Preschool Blogs| When can the child-rearing be a process of natural joy? | Ahmedabad Juniors

When can the child-rearing be a process of natural joy?

When can the child-rearing be a process of natural joy?

  1. When the parents understand their child well.
  2. When the parents restrain their own expectations.
  3. When the parents try to adjust themselves with the child.
  4. When the parents can give quality time to the child.
  5. When the parents recognize the hidden potential of their child.
  6. When the parents provide development opportunities to the child.
  7. When the parents treat their child without any preconception and prejudice.
  8. When the parents stand beside their child during his failures.
  9. When the parents listen to what their child wants to say.
  10. When the parents tactfully rectify the bad habits and shortcomings of their child.
  11. When the parents do not gauge their child only through his exam results.
  12. When the parents become child-like while being with their child.
  13. When the parents can reach to the heart of their child.
  14. When the parents be a role model for their child instead of a preacher.
  15. When the parents understand the measures of growth linked with the child’s age.
  16. When the parents cultivate inexhaustible patience in themselves.
  17. When the parents stop comparing their child with other children.
  18. When the parents be ready to bring change in themselves.When the parents can embrace the new thoughts and methods of child rearing.
  19. When the parents can embrace the new thoughts and methods of child rearing.

Child-rearing becomes a process of natural joy, instead of a burden, when the parents take their child as a gift of God, a form of God.

Academic education is not enough for the full realization of the child’s potential. The responsibility of developing his body, mind, interests, inclinations, arts, hobbies, imagination, health and a vision to look at the world is far greater than merely providing him with schooling.

Above all is teaching him values, which can be inculcated not through teaching, but the child learns it automatically from the behavior and the way of living of his parents.

‘Catch them young’ is the principle that you should remember while edifying your child. Things that are observed, experienced, understood and accepted during the early years of 3 to 12 remain with the child throughout his life, but once he crosses the age 12 it becomes too difficult to instill good habits and values in him.

The innocent mind under the age 12 accepts and learns things out of sheer trust on the elders. But after crossing this age, he does not allow things to enter so easily into his mind. He learns to evaluate things with his logic before accepting them; hence it becomes difficult to teach him anything after this age.

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