Preschool Blogs| What’s wrong with you ? | Ahmedabad Juniors

What’s wrong with you ?

What’s wrong with you ?

As kids start with their adolescences there are sudden change in their behaviour. They locks them self in room and has become very secretive. Interest in studies are dropped. They keep saying nothing is wrong but we as parents don’t agree and feel they are not sharing thoughts.

When kids reach their teen years, it’s a time of transition and change for them. This is normal and should be expected even though it can be frustrating and confusing time for the whole family. Your child will be going through changes in the way they feel and in the way they look. These are the mental and physical transformations that will influence who they will ultimately become as a adult. And so this process is more than occasionally filled with obstacles and speed breakers in the road along the way.

Some teenage traits are frustrating yet are normal. As parents, it is natural for us to protect our children, care for them and look after them. But as a teenager, they are also trying to figure out this process. The challenge is to identify where we need to step in and where we should not. Always watch their action. Even when they might be saying ‘everything is fine’, actions do tend to speak louder than words. He may say one thing, but his demeanour might show just the opposite. But in any case don’t force your child to spill the beans this will make him recoil.

Instead, create an environment where child can open up to you more. Give them time and space. The most effective way is to get them talking by engaging them in conversation and activities which aren’t specifically study- or attitude- related.

They need to know that you’re not just a parent but also someone they can trust for advice, they will slowly begin to open up but applying too much pressure can push them further away.

When kids open up to you watch out for other tell-tale signs of the wider issues at play. He may say something completely out of the blue or they may say exactly what is wrong straight out, but whatever the scenario unfold, it would be a benchmark step. But wherever this conversation are happens it is the response from parent’s side that makes all the difference.

Stay calm and remain interested after all it requires a lot of hard work to get them talking. Do not overreact or becoming angry and most importantly don’t start to judge them. The trust you have gained is precious and let your child down. Be proactive and be encouraging. By maintaining a positive and open approach kids will know that they can rely on you for advice and help.

When teenage comes it comes silently but it can create havoc in the life’s of those who are caught in middle. These minds require guides and mentors. Teenagers needs someone who can hear them out without forming any judgement. So listen to them and understand them . And as parents we must allow our children to be themselves. So let’s not force our own view of an appropriate child. Let them bloom in their own beautiful way.

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